Doctor Who Question Mark Flair DIY!
Let's chat about Doctor Who. I have felt a steady decline with the show and wasn't thrilled about the last season for several reasons...I was happy to see the good looking Master again though. Now they've announced that the new regeneration of the doctor will be a woman, and I am unimpressed. I don't think the show will have the same appeal to the audience (at least to me) anymore. I don't even know if I will watch the new season. What do you think about the new regeneration?
With that said, I do love my Doctor Who crafts and I love the old Doctors. I'll keep doing Doctor Who and Tardis themed crafts--so I declare this week to be Doctor Who week! Come back each day for more Whovian magic!
Both the 5th Doctor, Peter Davison and the 6th Doctor, Collin Baker wore shirts with the red question marks on both lapels of their white shirts. This is an obvious nod to the whole "who" thing and I loved it when I was a little girl.

Then it was fun to see Petronella Osgood wearing the shirt too a couple seasons ago.
So, I felt a simple DIY was in order--No embroidery machine needed!
You will need:
White paint/paintbrush
E6000 glue
Red Sharpie Marker
Pin Backs
Shrink plastic
That's right! Shrink plastic! Shrinky Dinks were huge when I was little, but it's still so fun. It's just plastic that shrinks down when it is baked.
You just take that red marker and draw 2 question marks about 2.5 inches tall.
Place them on a baking sheet and place them in a preheated 350* oven.
Watch them while they bake. They will curl up like a bowl and then flatten out. They are now much smaller and very thick.
You can see how much my 2.5 inch question marks shrunk down to about 1 inch.
I turned over the question mark and painted a coat of white paint on the backside. This way the pinback doesn't show through.
Then use some E6000 Glue and glue a lapel pin to it. Let that dry at least 4 hours or overnight to be safe.
Now they are ready to rock! Great for a costume or just for fun!
Just pin to the lapels of your favorite white button up shirt. Totally Who-riffic!
Or just add one to a jean jacket for a subtle geek chick look!
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And check out these 18 other fun Shrink Plastic Crafts!

Let's chat about Doctor Who. I have felt a steady decline with the show and wasn't thrilled about the last season for several reasons...I was happy to see the good looking Master again though. Now they've announced that the new regeneration of the doctor will be a woman, and I am unimpressed. I don't think the show will have the same appeal to the audience (at least to me) anymore. I don't even know if I will watch the new season. What do you think about the new regeneration?
With that said, I do love my Doctor Who crafts and I love the old Doctors. I'll keep doing Doctor Who and Tardis themed crafts--so I declare this week to be Doctor Who week! Come back each day for more Whovian magic!
Both the 5th Doctor, Peter Davison and the 6th Doctor, Collin Baker wore shirts with the red question marks on both lapels of their white shirts. This is an obvious nod to the whole "who" thing and I loved it when I was a little girl.

Then it was fun to see Petronella Osgood wearing the shirt too a couple seasons ago.
So, I felt a simple DIY was in order--No embroidery machine needed!
You will need:
White paint/paintbrush
E6000 glue
Red Sharpie Marker
Pin Backs
Shrink plastic
That's right! Shrink plastic! Shrinky Dinks were huge when I was little, but it's still so fun. It's just plastic that shrinks down when it is baked.
You just take that red marker and draw 2 question marks about 2.5 inches tall.
Place them on a baking sheet and place them in a preheated 350* oven.
Watch them while they bake. They will curl up like a bowl and then flatten out. They are now much smaller and very thick.
You can see how much my 2.5 inch question marks shrunk down to about 1 inch.
I turned over the question mark and painted a coat of white paint on the backside. This way the pinback doesn't show through.
Then use some E6000 Glue and glue a lapel pin to it. Let that dry at least 4 hours or overnight to be safe.
Now they are ready to rock! Great for a costume or just for fun!
Just pin to the lapels of your favorite white button up shirt. Totally Who-riffic!
Or just add one to a jean jacket for a subtle geek chick look!
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And check out these 18 other fun Shrink Plastic Crafts!
United States Necklace!
Deer Head Filigree Necklace
Doctor Who Floating Locket Charms!
State Love Necklace!
Dalek Nightlight!
Deer Head Filigree Necklace
Doctor Who Floating Locket Charms!
State Love Necklace!
Dalek Nightlight!
The Doctor's Name Pendant
Name Necklace!
Discord Nightlight
Captain America Necklace!
Cat Eye and Nerd Glasses!
David Tennant Necklace!
Super Mario Brothers Necklace
Hello Necklace!

Shrunken Head Locket Charms!
Lapel Pin!

Fairy Jars!

Name Necklace!
Discord Nightlight
Captain America Necklace!
Cat Eye and Nerd Glasses!
David Tennant Necklace!
Super Mario Brothers Necklace
Hello Necklace!

Shrunken Head Locket Charms!
Lapel Pin!

Fairy Jars!

This post published on Doodlecraft first