How to Embroider Denim Jacket DIY with Easy Floral Learn how to easily embroider a denim jacket with cute floral designs. This quick upcycle project is a great way to add interest to any denim fabric or sturdy fabric, no embroidery hoop needed. Add a little hand embroidery to the front pocket of a jacket or the back pocket of a pair of jeans. UPCYCLE A JEAN JACKET WITH EMBROIDERY These little daisies are a straightforward design and a very simple first step for embroidery. You can of course embellish with your own design after learning these very simple basics. Adding a little denim decoration is the perfect way to give an old jean jacket new life, upcycling at its best. If you don't have a jean jacket or another piece of clothing in need of embroidery design, you can pick something up at the thrift store. Supplies Needed for Embroidering on Denim Jacket: affiliate links as part of amazon services llc associates program Denim Jacket (or other denim items) Embroidery Floss (white an...