Breakfast Waffle Bar with Eggo, Reddi-Wip and Spirit Riding Free on Netflix
Conagra + Kellogg’s + Netflix "Spirit Riding Free" Campaign #AddSpirit2Breakfast #ad #pmediaMake the perfect waffle bar with Eggo, Reddi-Wip, fresh fruit, chocolate sauce and some colorful sprinkles. Invite friends over, serve this at a sleepover party, surprise your family with a yummy brunch...or just eat as an after school snack with your daughter. The perfect way to create wonderful memories--paired with some Saturday morning cartoons. There's fun activities and games to play at Spirit Riding Free Activities.
Do you remember the joy of watching Saturday morning cartoons on TV? It's one of my favorite memories of my childhood. We weren't allowed to turn on the TV until after 7:00 AM, so we would sit and watch the VCR clock until it turned to 7:00 exactly and then we would push on the TV. We would scan through the dial of channels until we found any show that was animated and watch it. The cartoons would play until at least 10:00 AM...and my parents sometimes let us watch that whole time.

My kids will never understand that memory, but I like to help them create memories that are lasting of their own. Like a delicious waffle bar and cartoons in the morning...or for brunch, because we can watch our favorite shows any time of day now...thanks to Netflix. We shopped at Walmart for everything we needed for this fun party, everything is easy to find!
Eggo waffles are warm and delicious! I love the crispy edges after being toasted. They are easy to toast and get golden brown in just minutes. For a big party brunch like this, waffles can be lined on a baking tray and broiled in the oven for mass production.
Reddi-Wip is creamy and amazing! It adds the finishing touch to the crisp, sweet waffles. The Reddi-Wip is real dairy cream and uses less hydrogenated oils that other frozen toppings. I love the extra creamy variety! I love it in hot chocolate too!
Layer and stack homestyle, chocolatey chip and blueberry Eggo's, filled with raspberries, blueberries, bananas and Reddi-Wip and drizzled with fudge sauce. Even teenagers love being able to make their own delicious, sweet waffle stack for brunch.
Let's chat about the details show Spirit Riding Free on Netflix. My daughter and I love to watch cartoon series together. We have been known to binge watch entire seasons in a weekend. My daughter is an artist and makes her own watching cartoons is also a study in animations. Watching Spirit Riding Free together was a treasured memory...and we aren't quite through all 7 seasons yet.
We laughed and giggled. We loved the story line and the friendships made. I love watching the character development and becoming attached to the characters. Can I say that Lucky's dad is pretty good looking too!? The animation style is wonderful...I love how they render the trees!
Fortuna (known as Lucky) is a darling girl that moves from the city to the small western town of Miradero. She is 12 and quickly makes friends with the nice but super hardcore girls in town, Prudence and Abigail. Maricela is a bit of a pain, but there's some redeeming traits she has too. Lucky tames a wild stallion, Spirit...they are both "outsiders" in this town and learn to make it in frontier life together. The episodes are filled with adventures, mistakes, the learning process, and fun songs. It's a show perfect for adding Spirit to breakfast!
The show is geared toward tween girls but it's pretty fun for the family too--my boys snuck in to watch with us. Follow up the show with fun activities and games to play at Spirit Riding Free Activities.
The theme song is great and sings "I'm gonna ride, I'm riding come along, let's go along...come on this journey with me". You'll be singing it all day.
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