EggMazing Striped Easter Eggs DIY!
I love simple crafts, although I've never really been fond of decorating eggs, not quite sure why. However, this is my new favorite way to decorate an egg. The EggMazing spinner is simple to use and works like a charm. Create stunning eggs in ombres, stripes, rainbows and more using the EggMazing.
The EggMazing spins the egg at a steady pace and you just need to add marker to it. The best part is that it's perfect for all ages! My nearly 72 year old dad made a couple eggs, as did my nearly 5 year old great for any age that you would give a marker to.
I'm not usually a fan of painting eggs. I love painting rocks, but for some reason, I just don't do well with eggs. Maybe because there's not a "top" side...they don't really sit on their own...or because I'm not patient.
So I wasn't sure how much I'd like adding stripes to eggs. It's pretty simple decoration and I wondered if it would just get monotonous. Well, The EggMazing DID NOT disappoint! This is such a fun gadget creating the perfect painted eggs!
I bought this EggMazing spinner on Amazon, it's not sponsored or supplied to me. I have included affiliate links though.
Using the EggMazing is a breeze. Seriously, watch this video:
Simple, right!? It's so fun!
The EggMazing comes with the device and 8 markers. You will need batteries and eggs. I tested it out with fake plastic eggs, which were too light weight to stay well in the spinning cradle. Hard cooked eggs work best.
Step 1: Set in Egg
Begin by putting batteries in the device and setting it on a level surface. Place the egg in the EggMazing opening.
Step 2: First Color
Turn the EggMazing on with the sliding switch. The egg will rotate evenly. Press the marker to the egg and watch the color swirl.
Step 3: More Colors!
Add additional colors. Get creative! This is a fun toy to play with when teaching the color wheel to kids. Learning how different colors mix to make new colors.
Continue filling the eggs with gorgeous ombres, stripes and rainbows. As the device spins the rubber wheels that turn can get ink on them.
There is instructions on how to clean them with the device...but I did not bother. It doesn't seem to be a big deal, but if the ink is wet it can rub off on other eggs. Just let it sit for a couple minutes between sessions.
Once you are satisfied with the egg coloring, place in a basket and repeat for another egg!
Trust me, you'll want a giant flat of eggs, this toy is so much fun!
Everyone is going to want a turn coloring eggs---several times, so cook a bunch and have a party! No skill level required! This is the funnest way to paint eggs in my opinion!
Everyone in my family enjoyed coloring on an egg or two and have asked to do it again soon!
Create eggs with stripes, blends, ombres and rainbows. Go in and decorate them further, using the stripes as the background too. I love the stripes, they make my soul super happy!
This fun egg was made with just blue, red and yellow marker. Awesome blends, right?
Again, get the EggMazing on Amazon--it's been worth it for us.
EggMazing Spinner
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