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Paper Mosaic Resin Picture Frame DIY
Make an awesome picture frame for perfect Spring decor! I love the shades of blue and shiny gloss resin. Make it random and chaotic or design a pattern! What colors will you pick for your frame?You will need:
Wood FrameVarious Shades of Colored Cardstock
Paper Cutter
Ultra Seal
Double Sided Adhesive
High Gloss Resin
Painters Tape
Begin with a wide flat frame.
Use some painters tape to tape off the backside edges.
Cut the cardstock into 1/4 inch squares with the paper cutter.
Then tape them to the frame with the double sided adhesive.
This part can be measured better, arranged in a pattern, or just sporadically placed.
Repeat the taping down until the entire frame is filled.
Then use the paintbrush to coat the entire frame with Ultra Seal.
Then let it dry completely. The Ultra Seal dries clear.
Then set up the frame on plastic cups.
Read the directions on the resin packaging and follow the 2 phase mixing process.
Pour all over the top of the frame, using a stirring stick to push it around the edges. The resin self-levels, and may drip off the edges so make sure you place it on a disposable work surface.
Let the resin dry and cure for 48 hours or so.
Then add a picture or quote. The high gloss resin is so smooth and shiny!
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