3 Doctor Who Freezer Paper Funny Joke Shirts DIY
It's time again for some fun Doctor Who themed shirts. These are easy to make and great for gifts, new season kick-off parties, or just for fellow Whovians. Let's get started with this funny Knock Knock joke shirt.
You will need:
Freezer Paper
Fabric paint
Sponge or stencil brush
Iron or EasyPress
Electronic Cutting Machine (like affiliate links: Cricut Maker or Cricut Explore Air™ 2 machine)

Cut the image out of Freezer Paper, with the shiny side placed on the sticky surface of the mat. Does not need to be mirrored when cutting. Then iron the freezer paper right onto the shirt.
Use a sponge and some fabric paint to fill in the gaps of the freezer paper stencil.
Peel off the freezer paper and let the paint dry completely. Then wear it and enjoy the looks from people as they read it.
Here's another fun Freezer Paper shirt:
Gotta Dash. Things happening. Well four things. Well four things and a lizard.
This one was done easily using a Stencil friendly font. Then cut and iron on to the shirt just like the shirt above. Use a stencil brush to paint the gaps.
Stencil Fonts are perfect for Freezer Paper shirts.
Here's some of my favorite:
Cargo Crate - Soundpieces - Steiner
Top Secret - Videopac - Ruler Stencil
And finally this shirt, which is slightly more complicated because of all the little pieces that need to be ironed on. All those little windows, lines and dots inside letters.
Then painted to look galactic with mixed colors and shades. This was a fun project!
Peel off the freezer paper and let the paint dry. Then iron on other pieces of freezer paper to make a frame around the center picture. Then flick some paint to add stars...and paint in a couple shooting stars. Then peel of the remaining freezer paper and let it dry.
Which shirt is your favorite? I love the galaxy effect of the last one! Scroll to the bottom to get the image files for all 3 shirts for FREE!

This post published on Doodlecraft first