Woven Purse/Bag!
Make an adorable Upcycled Statement with this woven purse!
Now, I've been hoarding candy wrapper bags for years.
Seriously, some of them were labeled as far back as 2006.
So, no judging.
I use 140 candy bags.
Seriously, each link was an entire bag of candy!
I cut all my bags to the same measurement...4.5 by 9"
(this makes the squares just slightly larger than 1 inch each)
Fold in half the long way
Then fold the sides into the center...
Fold center
Fold each end into the center
Fold in half. It makes the perfect little links!
They slide right inside and hold themselves in place without glue, tape or any adhesive!
Repeat over and over!
I did 5 rows of 28 each.
Now loop one strip around and hook the last link to the first...
This is the hardest part...takes some finagling, but it's doable!
Slide them in to make the perfect loops!
This would be an adorable crown!
Like this!
But I repeated it 5 times...looking cool so far!
Now I took a store membership card and cut it to use as a "needle" for the hand sewing
Then I taped a looped piece of fishing line right onto the card.
Just thread the string through the links to sew it together.
I wish I could tell you exactly how to do this part...but it was extremely tedious!
I looped the thread through and then looped it back through itself, making a lark's head knot.
Then back and forth through pieces to stitch each row to the next.
When I ran out of fishing line, I pulled off the needle and
carefully tied them off and got more line to sew more!
The bottom corner needed some tweaking to get it to lay right...but
that is the beauty of homemade crafts and candy wrappers!
My 6 year old took some pictures of me sitting on the floor stitching it together!
Over and over just making sure that each section was secured.
The inside and the outside both look amazing!!!
Next I got 2 strips of webbing...
And just sewed them right to the candy wrappers with my sewing machine.
It's perfect!
I love the bright colors!
I love how it turned out...and I'll be honest, my most favorite...
were the Chocolate Truffle Kisses!
So, start hoarding candy wrapper bags!
Ask your friends to hoard bags too!
You can make your bag smaller, but mine is perfect for daily use!
Woven Purse/Bag!
Make an adorable Upcycled Statement with this woven purse!
Now, I've been hoarding candy wrapper bags for years.
Seriously, some of them were labeled as far back as 2006.
So, no judging.
I use 140 candy bags.
Seriously, each link was an entire bag of candy!
I cut all my bags to the same measurement...4.5 by 9"
(this makes the squares just slightly larger than 1 inch each)
Fold in half the long way
Then fold the sides into the center...
Fold center
Fold each end into the center
Fold in half. It makes the perfect little links!
They slide right inside and hold themselves in place without glue, tape or any adhesive!
Repeat over and over!
I did 5 rows of 28 each.
Now loop one strip around and hook the last link to the first...
This is the hardest part...takes some finagling, but it's doable!
Slide them in to make the perfect loops!
This would be an adorable crown!
Like this!
But I repeated it 5 times...looking cool so far!
Now I took a store membership card and cut it to use as a "needle" for the hand sewing
Then I taped a looped piece of fishing line right onto the card.
Just thread the string through the links to sew it together.
I wish I could tell you exactly how to do this part...but it was extremely tedious!
I looped the thread through and then looped it back through itself, making a lark's head knot.
Then back and forth through pieces to stitch each row to the next.
When I ran out of fishing line, I pulled off the needle and
carefully tied them off and got more line to sew more!
The bottom corner needed some tweaking to get it to lay right...but
that is the beauty of homemade crafts and candy wrappers!
My 6 year old took some pictures of me sitting on the floor stitching it together!
Over and over just making sure that each section was secured.
The inside and the outside both look amazing!!!
Next I got 2 strips of webbing...
And just sewed them right to the candy wrappers with my sewing machine.
It's perfect!
I love the bright colors!
I love how it turned out...and I'll be honest, my most favorite...
were the Chocolate Truffle Kisses!
So, start hoarding candy wrapper bags!
Ask your friends to hoard bags too!
You can make your bag smaller, but mine is perfect for daily use!
Upcycled crafts are loads of fun, but can be slightly tedious and take lots of time.
None quite as tedious as this Rolled Paper Frame was.
None quite as tedious as this Rolled Paper Frame was.
This post published on Doodlecraft first