Minecraft Birthday Party: Minecraft Crafts and Decorations!
Party Crafts and Decorations!
come back tomorrow for more!
I had a jewel shaped mold...not safe for the dishwasher or oven...
and therefore only good for ice cubes or non foods.
I chose non foods!
Poured it in the mold and let it harden.
Popped them out and let them cool and harden completely on a cookie rack.
them with some metallic gold for shine.
Each of the kids at the birthday party got to pick one jewel to take home...
they loved them!
The next thing we did was make a Minecraft magnetic fishing game!
I got a visual of the fishes on the game...

And then just cut fish out of Astrobrights paper!
Easy peasy. I laminated them and taped a paperclip on them somewhere.
using a blanket as the pond.
Super fun!
For water at the party, I took this bottle image
and printed it on address labels.
Then just wrapped them to water bottles from the store.
We made buttons too!
I have a Badge-a-minit Button Maker.
A 2 1/4" starter kit will run you about $30.
Um, but they are loads of fun!
Then you can just print this off...cut it out and bam...make buttons!
The last craft we did for the party was Decorations!
We used lots of Astrobrights paper...what could be simpler than minecraft pixeled shapes?
My daughter was in charge of decor.
She made Enderman heads...
The Ghast Lanterns were perfect!
We got 3 square lanterns from Oriental Trading Company.
They just needed paper tentacles, eye, and mouth...
And last were the invitations.
We needed a bunch of them and these were so simple to make.
A 4 inch brown square with a 2 inch pixeled grass line.
Finally, on the day of the party, my oldest son put up a Nether portal on the front door!
We decorated with lots of green, purple and black balloons!
Super fun...come see how the party turned out tomorrow!
This post published on Doodlecraft first