Mountain Logo Shirt with Cricut Maker!
Make a cool shirt with a custom mountain logo design using the Cricut Maker. This shirt is perfect for an outdoor lover or a family reunion in the Summertime. Have you made iron-on shirts before?
It's my favorite craft of all time because it is so fast and fun! Just a few supplies needed to practically launch your own home business of T-shirt making! If you are thinking of starting your own money making hustle, check out the links at the end of this post.
At Christmastime our cool, snowboarding neighbor sent us a card that he had designed himself. It had this mountain and sun logo on it. I knew this had to become a shirt.
This is a great way to turn any piece of art or kids drawing into a shirt. First I took a picture of the logo.
Then I used photoshop to select the black area and remove the white details. I didn't overwork the design because I like the sketchy edges. Keep it simple.
Then import into Cricut Design Space and save it as a simple cut file. Now it's ready to use on any project!
Supplies Needed:
Cricut Brightpad (for easier weeding)
Start by placing the iron-on on the mat with the plastic side down. Mirror the image and have the Cricut machine cut it out the size you pick.
Then remove the iron-on from the mat and weed the excess vinyl from the design with the hook tool.
Place the t-shirt on the EasyPress mat and press it with the EasyPress 2 to warm it up.
Then place the iron-on vinyl on the warm shirt where you want it.
Then press the EasyPress 2 on the design for the recommended time for the materials being used. See this chart here. Then press the backside of the shirt for 15 seconds.
Next, let the shirt and the iron-on vinyl cool down completely and then peel the plastic carrier sheet off.
That's it!
Now you have an awesome shirt to wear camping, backpacking, hiking or just out! Wouldn't these shirts be great for a Summer Camp or Family Reunion too?
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PLUS, Check these out!
And here's 100 ideas of what you can sell!
