Faux Enamel Pins with High Gloss Resin DIY!
Make some cool faux enamel pins to bling up a jean jacket. Enamel pins are fun to collect but they are even better to make. Design a cool image and add resin for the perfect glossy finish. These resin pins are great for party favors, gifts or just for making your backpack or jacket stand out!
I first experienced shrink plastic or "Shrinky Dinks" when I was about 7 years old. I am sure I got some for my birthday, they were Lady Lovely Locks themed...does anyone remember her? They came pre-printed and then I just colored them with colored pencils on the roughed-up surface. It was so fun to bake them in the oven and watch them shrink, curl and flatten out.
Shrink plastic is so much fun and I haven't lost any of the fascination of watching it. It's exciting to see the process every single time.
These cute fruity puns make darling little buttons for a jacket or bag. They are simple to make and just require a few supplies. Let's get started!
Supplies Needed for Faux Enamel Pins:
Shrink PlasticPrinter
Pin Backs
E6000 Glue
High Gloss Resin
Mixing Cups, Stirring Sticks, Disposable Gloves
Oven or Embossing Gun
Printable design, right click to save off fruit image below. Personal use only.
Begin by printing the image on a sheet of shrink film. My printer was nearly out of ink, so the yellow outline didn't end up printing. All the colors when shrunk will brighten or darken, so it's better if they are printed lighter anyway.
Second, cut the images out with scissors. Shrink plastic is plastic #6, so you might be able to find some plastic to upcycle around the house.
After cutting the images, use the embossing gun to shrink the plastic or place them on a baking sheet and bake them in the oven for 3-5 minutes at 350*. The plastic will curl up like a dish and then flatten out. Then it's done.
Once they are all shrunk, they are thick and the colors are much more vivid.
Next, get some cardboard to work over. Mix the resin according to the package directions. Not much resin is needed for this project, so mix up the smallest amount you can measure. 1 part resin and 1 part hardener.
Mix for 2 full minutes, then transfer to a second cup and stir with a second stick for 1 more minute.
Then use a popsicle stick to drip the resin on the top surface of the shrink plastic images. The resin will hold together with phenomenal surface tension, so make a little bubble of resin on the top of the shapes.
See that round resin just clinging to the shrink plastic? It's perfection. Then let it sit overnight to dry and cure.
Next day, flip the shrink plastic over and use the E6000 to glue the pin backs on. They need about 4 hours to cure.
Then they are ready to dress up a jacket or stick to a bag! Perfectly simple and can be customized too!
That's it!
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Here's 17 more Shrinky Dinks crafts too!
