Geometric Paper Crane Necklace!

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6:00 AM
 Geometric Paper Crane Necklace!
 Origami paper cranes are cool to make!
 And a geometric paper crane is cool too!
Right click to save image.  Print it off so it fills about 1/4 of a sheet of paper.
This was my first one, and it's much make it pendant size, 
it needs to be about half this size:
 Staple a sheet of clear shrink plastic over your printed bird.
Use a hobby knife to cut away the inside shapes.
Then use scissors to cut the outside shape of the bird.
Shrink plastic can be difficult to cut, so take your slip and your design is ruined.
 Once it's cut...
 Place on a baking sheet.
Bake in a 350* oven and watch it curl up...then flatten back out.
Pull it out and let it cool
 I spray painted mine silver!
Then add a jump ring and a chain!
Awesome geometric jewelry!

This post published on Doodlecraft first
