"that which holds the image of an
angel becomes itself an angel"
Apparently it's Be An Angel Day...
My first thought when I read this wasn't about a charitable act of
service or being kind to others...it was
angel becomes itself an angel"
Apparently it's Be An Angel Day...
My first thought when I read this wasn't about a charitable act of
service or being kind to others...it was
I've been finding angels at the thrift store and yard sales...
trying to stock pile for Christmas...
yes a Doctor Who themed tree is in the works!
Check out this piece of work...it's frightful!
(the cashier loved it...I didn't have the heart to tell her what it would become)
I spray painted it all gray...
Then I spritzed a little silver metallic over it to give it some highlights.

Once it's good and dry I'll use wires to keep those
menacing hands up over its eyes.
Stay tuned for the whole Christmas theme!
Here's some other little cherub treasures!

Spray painting them silver...
They are adorably haunting and menacing...
Now, go be an angel!
And in other news, this happened this week:
They are adorably haunting and menacing...
Now, go be an angel!
And in other news, this happened this week:
Linking up to THESE parties this week!