My 7 year old asked me if she could have a
*Fancy Room!*
How could I refuse fancy?
*Fancy Room!*
How could I refuse fancy?
Here is the before of her bedroom

bed unmade...

stuff everywhere!

Don't be decieved...this light fixture only had
2 working ball things...the camera flash makes
it look like they are all lit up.
Something must be done.

partly finished wardrobe...?

Junk corner...see that black's the curtain...

Bookshelf crammed by bed...

The After party!
{prepare yourself for fancy}

painted wall...

chandelier...princess reading/play corner

acid mirror, blackout butterfly curtains...
teal nightstand...crystally table lamp...

finished wardrobe...

fancy light switch...

Huge success!
My daughter is the happiest 7 year old...
It's been 1 month, and she keeps it clean!
I would love for you to stop by and check it out.
Visiting from TT&J linky party,
Smiles and thanks for sharing :D
~Suzanne in NW Illinois