So...My husband and I love chainmaille armor!
We bought a ton...from here.
Yes, this gets pricey...

My husband has made a several shirts and coif.
one of them is 50 pounds!
He made me a shirt too--and a purse!
It's aluminum, so it's light weight!
I wear it to church and everyone loves it!

Then we decided to make some:
Armor of God!

So the boys get to wear armor to church!
Everyone in the world loves it!
...people always say we should sell them...but so far we
haven't met anyone willing to pay $200 for a tie!
But my daughter and I feel left out on Sundays!
So Wednesday, we busted out the extra rings
and made some necklaces!
Have I mentioned that I do things in bulk?

The first one I did...
Red chainmaille, huge pearls and vintage crystals!

Start with supplies:
Chainmaille rings
(mine are anodized aluminum, red)
2 Pliers
Chain, pearls and crystals
eye pins

Here's the basic 4 weave...simplest of the weaves

Then I just added and extra 3 staggered on each side...

Linked the patches together with chain...and pearls...
but it didn't feel like enough bling for me!

I didn't want it super symmetrical either...

I busted out the vintage crystals...hooked on a few of those

And ta da!
Now I can proudly wear armor to church too!

It's aluminum, so it's light weight!
I wear it to church and everyone loves it!

Then we decided to make some:
Armor of God!

So the boys get to wear armor to church!

Everyone in the world loves it!
...people always say we should sell them...but so far we
haven't met anyone willing to pay $200 for a tie!
But my daughter and I feel left out on Sundays!
So Wednesday, we busted out the extra rings
and made some necklaces!
Have I mentioned that I do things in bulk?

The first one I did...
Red chainmaille, huge pearls and vintage crystals!

Start with supplies:
Chainmaille rings
(mine are anodized aluminum, red)
2 Pliers
Chain, pearls and crystals
eye pins

Here's the basic 4 weave...simplest of the weaves

Then I just added and extra 3 staggered on each side...

Linked the patches together with chain...and pearls...
but it didn't feel like enough bling for me!

I didn't want it super symmetrical either...

I busted out the vintage crystals...hooked on a few of those

And ta da!
Now I can proudly wear armor to church too!

Next is Hailee's!
(ok, it was made for my neck...)
This chainmaille weave is thick like a rope...
I did a choker and then added some big chunky pearls!

(ok, it was made for my neck...)
This chainmaille weave is thick like a rope...
I did a choker and then added some big chunky pearls!

These flowers are a Japanese weave!
I used silver and blue anodized aluminum rings!

Next, I did a patch of just silver rings...and
hooked it up to some silver chains...
Love the simplicity...but the awesomeness!
I've seen some in stores quite similar to this!

This is a black 6 weave choker...
I hooked a flat silver pendant onto it!

Love having one-of-a-kind jewelry and ties!
I'm all about attention!

I used silver and blue anodized aluminum rings!

Next, I did a patch of just silver rings...and
hooked it up to some silver chains...
Love the simplicity...but the awesomeness!
I've seen some in stores quite similar to this!

This is a black 6 weave choker...
I hooked a flat silver pendant onto it!

Love having one-of-a-kind jewelry and ties!
I'm all about attention!
And thanks for linkin up w/ us @ Whatcha Got Weekend!!!
Warmly, Michelle