How to Make a Paper Airplane Archive Post
Learn how to make and decorate an easy Paper Airplane!
This post was my original post from August 2012. Enjoy it's simplicity!
Check out the New and Improved "How to make an Easy Paper Airplane" post here!
I love back to school time--not to send my kids off since we homeschool,
but because I love school supplies!
I love Brilliant! AstroBright Paper!
We always have reams of AstroBright paper on hand for every project.
There are tons of colors...
For me, I love the wide range of blues...since that's my favorite color!
My kids ask me to make paper airplanes for them all the time!
Somehow, paper airplanes say "Back to School" to me...
I remember in 4th grade having a paper airplane flying contest.
We had to come to school with our plane already made.
I had NO CLUE how to fold a plane! My brother helped
teach me how to make this flyer...it's really simple!
Here we go!
And then, if you are like us...you will spend a bunch of time decorating!
I used a homemade chevron stamp...markers rule too!
Unfolded my plane, and stamped only on the top wing...
like so...
And the other...
There's the underside...oh well.
Ready, Set, Fly!
This is the paper that the kids can't get enough of! We use it daily!
It's also the paper we used to make giant paper flower decorations for a Princess Party!