Perfect for birthday's or other parties!
12 by 12 sheets of scrapbook paper
rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat
Just like this:
Mark at 4 inches in.
lay the ruler across from the 4" mark to the corner.
Cut that line.
Easy right!??
Run the ruler across the diagonal from corner to corner.
You can see how it will make the perfect isosceles triangle.
symmetrical pennants!
You could have an electronic cutter do it for you...or write it on with markers!
Here's my next trick.
Duck Tape!
Get some pretty tape...
Insert the twine.
Fold over and tape down the tape to the other side of the pennant.

Put the next one in place...tape and repeat!
We had a huge backyard barbecue and I didn't get the camera out to take any pictures after this.
But it was fun...and that table wasn't enough room for all the food!
This post published on Doodlecraft first