The New Face of Doctor Who
Peter Capaldi!
What do you think?
Remember him in Season 4 Fires of Pompeii with Donna Noble?
Okay, well...can't wait to see what they come up with for the new season.
I think they always do a GREAT job getting you to like the new's
with hesitation initially, but he wins you over in the end.
Didn't think they would pick someone so old...55, but
I'm anxious to see where it goes!
Onto Doctor Who week!
A Classic Tardis and Bowtie favorite!
Dollar Tree stores!
Not the same store either...states apart from each other!
(ususally on the bottom row around the sock aisle)
And this time, I scored with TARDIS blue shirts! $1 each!
So, I asked my boys what they'd like their shirts to look like...
and they got precisely what they wanted!
I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the heat transfer vinyl...remember when you are cutting heat transfer, you have to reverse the
image because it cuts through the backside...
Then I removed the unwanted pieces with the hook tool.
Lay the image down, plastic on top!
I always start my ironing with a tea towel or a paper towel...
for about a minute or two...
Then I move directly to ironing the plastic backing.I use the tip of the iron to really get each letter and corner secure.
Then peel off the plastic slowly, reironing if necessary!
Just what he wanted!
I'm the Doctor shirt...complete with bowtie!
And yes, you may use this too! Personal use only.
Right click to save off.

And of course the TARDIS shirt!
Same technique and same results!
2 happy Doctor Who geeks!

Linking up to THESE parties this week!