Possibly one of the best Doctor Who quotes ever!
{I am such a doctor who nerd!}
If you haven't watched Doctor Who yet, you ought to give it a go.
It's a long running series of seasons...but you should be able to get the overall
feel of it from any of the episodes. This quote is taken from the Episode Blink!
Season 3 episode 10
It's complex, fun and scary all at once! On of my favorites for sure!
I think you can find it all chunked up on youtube...
"People assume that time is a strict progression to cause and effect,but actually--from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint--
It's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff."

Cut out some Tardis Blue vinyl with my Silhouette Cameo...
weeded out the insides of letters...
Applied transfer paper to the top of the vinyl...
Peeled the transfer paper/vinyl from the backing and stuck it to my prepared wood surface.
Used a kitchen scraper to rub the transfer paper to make sure the vinyl was attached tight...

Carefully remove the transfer paper. I pull up an edge and roll it back on itself while I pull.
Then you are done!

And you are left with a long sign that people take a lot of time to read and
most don't understand! :)
Linking up to THESE parties this week!
I absolutely love this as I suspect that I will love a lot of your Doctor Who themed items once I continue to look. :-)
Do you sell the cut files? My daughter would just love this and I am going to try vinyl for the first time today.
Thank you,