I love my computer-ready working painted keyboard!
But here is where the inspiration came from:
When I was little, I loved to pretend to type...and keyboards
weren't around like they are today, so I would draw out
squares onto a piece of cardboard and pretend I was typing.
I figured my kids would love the same thing.
But I awesome-ized it.

About 8 years ago...
I took a broken "got water dumped on it"
keyboard and cut the cord off of it!
I used acrylic craft paint and painted that whole thing!
The base I did black, the keys multicolored...
Then I spent hours handpainting little things on each key!
I wanted to simulate the inside of a rocket, spaceship, or
other machine that would require lots of blinking buttons!
Perfect for my little almost 2 year old boy!
I made gun buttons, graphs, people, food, animals, brakes,
fuel and of course, The BIG RED BUTTON!
It looked great the day I made it...and even
though it is worn, it is still a favorite!
Could use some sprucing up...maybe.
Here is child #3 with it...8 years later!
(oh ya, child #2, my daughter, loved/loves it too!)
-Bonnie @ Revolutionaries
Warmly, Michelle
Lance Vartanian
Ruby Badcoe