We made a Daring Do My Little Pony
from, you guessed it...a Crystal Empire Rainbow Dash!
Here's basically the before and after:
Remember a while back we did our first pony:
Tropical Mist

I know how some people like to *pin* a streamlined tutorial...so
Here's the basic instructions:
Here's what you'll need:
Pony, scissors, oven bake clay...paint.
Get out your pony...
And buzz off her hair.
Use a light weight sand paper and dust off her cutie mark.
Add a strip of oven bake clay over her tufts of hair...
Mold and sculpt the hair to your desired style!
And the tail.
I formed at the table and then inserted into tail hole...
Once molded, I set her on a baking tray and cooked her!
Bake according to package instructions.
We baked her for 25 minutes at 275* F.
remove from oven and let cool completely,
about 30 minutes.
Okay, she is ready to paint!
make the pony of your or your child's dreams!
Mixed up a khaki/orange shade of paint and carefullypainted her, leaving her eyes.
she needed a couple layers...be patient!
Black hair...
Gray stripes in the hair...
Her little olive green explorer shirt...
And finally, painting on the cutie mark compass rose!
After you're satisfied with the paint,
use some spray clear coat gloss finish to finish her off.
We used some spray lacquer we had in the garage...just as long as it's clear!
Poorly fit hat, but whatever!
Daring Do!
And all the Pony friends were so happy to finally
meet her! Especially Rainbow Dash!
Now, go make a custom pony!
...and email me a picture!
maildoodlecraft (at) gmail (dot) com
Linking up to THESE parties this week!
Thanks for the idea.