Have you guys ever played Sodoku?
I hate it...I mean look at this confusion!

Okay, so basically the numbers 1-9 are used...
but only one time each in an entire row (vertical & horizontal)
and only once in each box of 9.
Well, my adorable parents came up with a fabulous solution!
Color coded. Genius!
Doesn't matter what side of the board you are sitting on!
First off you need a blank grid.
Right click to save off and print! (I laminated mine)

We got combo bags at Michael's and Hobby Lobby.
9 different colors.
Then each color is representing a value...doesn't really matter which is which.
But we go in rainbow order:
Red=1, orange=2, yellow=3, green=4, blue=5, purple=6, brown=7, white=8 and gray=9
Then you'll need to set up the board...get an easy book at the dollar store
and go off of that...or just get some online like this:

and so on...with every color coded number!
Then it's ready to begin.
Now the game is more fun.
You just need to make sure each row has 1 of each color...
vertical and horizontal as well as only 1 of each color in each box of 9!
It's so fun now that it's a visual game!
Keep at it until the whole board is filled!
Super fun!
This post published on Doodlecraft first
only about 12 years after the invention of sudoko papers started printing them with numbers and not colours (because it was cheaper. up until then there was no sudoko in the paper)