I love a tall chest of drawers!
Here's the story about this one:
My friend bought a new chest of drawers at Ikea for her sons room.
My husband offered to assemble it for her.
He fell in love with it. He really liked it.
So he came home and picked me up and had me check it out.
Here it is, fully assembled:
Pretty great. And around $100.
I wager that if Ikea was less than 2 hours away,
we would have ran and got him one that day.
Well, that was a Saturday...
On the following Tuesday, (yes, 3 days later)
my hubby came home with this treasure:

Apparently Trey Burnett III was done with this chest of drawers
and they dumped it on the side of the road...
therefore, this was FREE and in a great location!
Hooray for patience and poorness!
Well, not as ready to go as the Ikea dresser,
but we were ready for a project!
We sanded the ever-loving varnish and names off of it...
trying desperately to get rid of the honey glow!
I love a "real wood" piece, but insisted on Black stain...
to match the bed room.

We used some stripper to get the varnish off the surfaces,
then just had to lightly sand them down.
Now, because this was my husband's baby,
he wanted to wood burn in a subtle inscription.

Choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me
and my house, we will serve the Lord...
written in an Elvish/Hobbit font.
And before I could convince him not to stain it black
so the wood burning would show better...
or even take a picture of his wood burning...he began the staining.
He wanted the scripture subtle...just for him.
(and here I am blabbing about it online...sorry babe!)
We used Ebony. Thick going on...and then wiped dry
to let the wood grain show through!
And we let it dry completely out in the sunshine and garage
for about 30 hours before bringing it inside.
I like to wait until it no longer smells at all like stain! :)
Now you can only see the inscription it if the light
hits it just right! It really is Elvish!
We call it a 'moon rune'...
We got some cool silver pulls for the fronts...and it's perfect!

It's just what his side of the room was needing!
We are so blessed!
Here's the story about this one:
My friend bought a new chest of drawers at Ikea for her sons room.
My husband offered to assemble it for her.
He fell in love with it. He really liked it.
So he came home and picked me up and had me check it out.
Here it is, fully assembled:
Pretty great. And around $100.
I wager that if Ikea was less than 2 hours away,
we would have ran and got him one that day.
Well, that was a Saturday...
On the following Tuesday, (yes, 3 days later)
my hubby came home with this treasure:
Apparently Trey Burnett III was done with this chest of drawers
and they dumped it on the side of the road...
therefore, this was FREE and in a great location!
Hooray for patience and poorness!
Well, not as ready to go as the Ikea dresser,
but we were ready for a project!
We sanded the ever-loving varnish and names off of it...
trying desperately to get rid of the honey glow!
I love a "real wood" piece, but insisted on Black stain...
to match the bed room.
We used some stripper to get the varnish off the surfaces,
then just had to lightly sand them down.
Now, because this was my husband's baby,
he wanted to wood burn in a subtle inscription.
Choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me
and my house, we will serve the Lord...
written in an Elvish/Hobbit font.
And before I could convince him not to stain it black
so the wood burning would show better...
or even take a picture of his wood burning...he began the staining.
He wanted the scripture subtle...just for him.
(and here I am blabbing about it online...sorry babe!)
We used Ebony. Thick going on...and then wiped dry
to let the wood grain show through!
And we let it dry completely out in the sunshine and garage
for about 30 hours before bringing it inside.
I like to wait until it no longer smells at all like stain! :)
Now you can only see the inscription it if the light
hits it just right! It really is Elvish!
We call it a 'moon rune'...
We got some cool silver pulls for the fronts...and it's perfect!
It's just what his side of the room was needing!
We are so blessed!
Linking up to THESE parties this week!